
Welcome to the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center (CCRC) at the University of Georgia.

The CCRC occupies an ~140,000 sq.ft. building specifically designed for the interdisciplinary and equipment-intensive nature of carbohydrate science. The Center is organized to optimize cooperation and collaboration among disciplines (biomedical glycoscience, plant and microbial glycoscience, synthetic and analytical chemistry), and to provide analytical services and training, both within the CCRC and to university, government, and industrial laboratories world-wide. Our faculty have research programs that span multiple research domains, which provide our students with a breadth of opportunities in their professional training and research.


— February 2025 —

Join Research Live for our monthly

webinar Tuesday, Feb. 18, 11:30

a.m., featuring Thomas Mote, Art

Edison, and Chloe Crump

UGA’s Vertically integrated Projects-Research (VIPR) program is built on a time-tested national model for engaging both undergraduates and graduate students in ambitious, long-term, large-scale, multidisciplinary research projects led by faculty. In this webinar, VIPR leadership and participating faculty and students will talk about the significant benefits of VIPR for participants at all levels, as well as discuss the wide-ranging opportunities at UGA for establishing VIPs in research environments across a variety of disciplines.

Research Live is the Office of Research’s monthly webinar series, focused on topics of practical interest to the UGA research community. These virtual events provide an opportunity for faculty, students, and staff to interact directly from the OoR professionals. All events are free and open to anyone in the UGA community.

For more information, visit the website Research Live




— January 2025 —

The new year brings in TWO new pillars of leadership, research, and education to the CCRC / CMM communities!

Joining us are Drs. Nathan Lewis and Christopher West.

Nathan Lewis (left) is the newest Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar for both the Center for Molecular Medicine and the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center. Lewis, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, will be bringing his research and part of his team from the University of California, SanDiego. 

Lewis studies cellular communication, cell-cell interactions, and how cells are regulated on a molecular level, all in efforts to study human disease and engineer cells for therapeutic purposes. 

Chris West

Chris West (right), UGA’s Distinguished Research Professor, has until recently guided the Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Department as Head for nine years. West now takes up the mantle of Associate Director for the Center for Molecular Medicine to share his experience and resources.  

          West uses techniques such as gene editing and glycome profiling to study glycosylation as used by eukaryotic parasites to proliferate. Click here for more information on Chris West: https://ccrc.uga.edu/team/christopher-west/

We enthusiastically welcome both great minds to lead and collaborate with us!


— August 2024 —


The CCRC takes on the challenge of extending research, training, and science education with a BioFoundry Program. 

The National Science Foundation awarded $18M to a team at the CCRC to initiate the BioFoundry: Glycoscience Resources, Education, and Training (BioF:GREAT) Program, which will provide more glycoscience tools at the research bench, source material in the classroom, training in mentorship and analytical techniques, and glycoscience education to more learning communities.

Investigators include Lance Wells, Kelley Moremen, Erin Dolan, Breanna Urbanowicz, Natarajan Kannan, Parastoo Azadi. All are posing with CCRC/CMM Joint-Director Michael Tiemeyer.

For the full article, click this link: @UGA Research

For a fuller understanding of NSF’s BioFoundry Project, click this link: NSF News 

Upcoming Seminars


Feb 5"Communication breakdown: mucin glycan signaling in host-microbe symbiosis" 12:30pmT. Jarrod SmithCCRC Auditorium
Feb 12"Glycosylated natural product and carbohydrate-active enzyme discovery from microbial sources"12:30pmMelanie HigginsCCRC Auditorium
Feb 19"Unveiling the Cell Wall-Plasma Interface: Connection, Function, and Plant Resilience"12:30pmYue RuiCCRC Auditorium
Feb 21Eriksson Lecture4:00pm
(refreshments 3:30)
Megna Tiwari & BCMB New StudentsCCRC Auditorium
Feb 26"Computational investigations of complex carbohydrate systems: sequence-structure-function relationships and beyond"12:30pmVivek BharadwajCCRC Auditorium
Mar 5Bruker Symposium 11:30-1:00pmBrukerCCRC Breakroom
Mar 21Eriksson LectureCANCELED