Art Edison
Short Biography:
Art Edison is a Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar and Professor of Genetics and Biochemistry and a member of the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center and Institute of Bioinformatics at the University of Georgia. He received his Ph.D. in biophysics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he developed and applied NMR experimental and theoretical methods for protein structural studies under the supervision of John Markley and Frank Weinhold. He joined the faculty at the University of Florida and the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in 1996. He advanced from Assistant to Full Professor in the UF Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. Prof. Edison was the founding PI and Director of the NIH-funded Southeast Center for Integrated Metabolomics, and his research focuses on the role of small molecules in biology and disease. In 2015, Edison moved to the University of Georgia where he directs the CCRC NMR facility, which supports research in both metabolomics and structural biology. Edison’s research group collaborates on several metabolomics projects from microbes to humans.
Research Interests:
The Edison lab uses metabolomics to solve problems in biology and biomedicine. Metabolomics is the omics technology that focuses on metabolites in the context of systems biology. As such, we spend a considerable amount of effort on bioinformatics, data integration, and modeling of data. Our primary analytical technology is NMR, but we also regularly use mass spectrometry. We develop new NMR and bioinformatic methods and collaborate extensively with other groups that have interesting applications or complementary technologies.